
发布时间: 2024-07-13 21:47:35

Vandelay Industries, representing the Mukamal family, has filed a lawsuit against Bitwise Asset Management and its top executives, accusing them of fraud, negligence, and implementing a "pump and dump" scheme that led to substantial financial losses for investors. The suit seeks $2 million in damages.

1. The Mukamal family's initial investment of $1.3 million in the Bitwise HOLD 10 Private Index Fund in early 2018 was followed by a proposal in 2020 to convert the fund into a publicly traded entity on OTC markets, accompanied by a 25% increase in management fees. These changes were made during the market downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, severely limiting the family's options.

2. In 2021, the family invested an additional $4.85 million under new terms that Bitwise executives allegedly misrepresented. Theodore Mukamal, a family member, claimed that the company's top executives, including CEO Hunter Horsley, President Teddy Fusaro, and CIO Matt Hougan, engaged in a fraudulent "pump and dump" scheme, misleading investors and causing over $2 million in damages.

3. The lawsuit alleges that Bitwise executed a reckless and negligent "pump and dump" scheme for their benefit, which resulted in the Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund (BITW) trading significantly below its net asset value (NAV) for years, causing substantial losses to many investors. In November 2020, Bitwise initiated a campaign to liquidate shares, encouraging investors to sell at a premium to NAV, which led to losses.

The lawsuit raises serious accusations against Bitwise, including breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, fraud, and violations of securities laws. It questions Bitwise's integrity, damaging the company's reputation. Despite support from notable investors, Bitwise has denied the allegations and stated its intention to dispute them vigorously.

警惕: 网上好友、短信、电话、群聊都是骗子,请大家注意防止受骗!



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  1. Bitcoin 比特币BTC
  2. Ethereum 以太坊ETH
  3. Tether 泰达币USDT
  4. BNB 币安币BNB
  6. XRP 瑞波币XRP
  7. Dogecoin 狗币DOGE

意见反馈及报错将在两个工作日内及时处理 投诉举报
