
发布时间: 2024-08-20 13:33:03 has taken a significant step in the blockchain world by collaborating with the Blockchain Center in Abu Dhabi to launch a $100 million fund aimed at fostering Web3 technology innovation. Through its venture division, Gate Ventures, the company is emphasizing the importance of blockchain in the global market and demonstrating the commitment of key players to advance decentralized infrastructure and applications.

1. **Falcon Gate Ventures: Support for Web3 Developers**

On Monday (19/08/2024), introduced Falcon Gate Ventures, a joint initiative with the Blockchain Center (BC), designed to support Web3 developers and pioneers. This venture fund not only provides financial support but also creates a robust ecosystem to drive innovation in decentralized technology, which is at the heart of the evolution in this space. The main focus of the fund is to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technologies that can transform industries globally. The partnership between Gate Ventures and BC is crucial due to its global reach. Both organizations plan to leverage their combined expertise and resources to support talents from key regions, including the United States, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This international approach is expected to bring diverse perspectives and innovations to the blockchain industry, further solidifying its role as a global transformational technology.

2. **Abu Dhabi's Vision: Becoming a Global Leader in Blockchain Innovation**

CEO of BC in Abu Dhabi, Abdulla Al Dhaheri, emphasized that the goal of this collaboration is to support and develop high-potential blockchain projects. Al Dhaheri noted that both organizations share the same vision in accelerating blockchain adoption and delivering significant impact to the industry, not just in the UAE but also globally. This collaboration also aligns with Abu Dhabi's broader strategy to position itself as a global leader in blockchain innovation, an ambition unveiled with the official launch of BC on 1st August. BC in Abu Dhabi is set to play a pivotal role in the blockchain ecosystem in the region by providing comprehensive support to academic institutions, companies, and startups. The center's initiatives aim to build a thriving blockchain environment that can drive innovation and development in the region and beyond.

3. **Investing in the Digital Future: Gate Ventures' Commitment**

Kevin Yang, Managing Partner at Gate Ventures, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating that they are investing in the digital future and are committed to advancing blockchain innovation globally. This sentiment reflects the broader trend of increasing investment in blockchain technology, which is seen as key to the future of the digital economy. Beyond the collaboration between Gate Ventures and BC, the UAE continues to adopt blockchain and digital assets in traditional sectors. Earlier this week, the National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah (RAKBANK) announced a partnership with Bitpanda Technology Solutions to develop a digital asset management platform for UAE residents. This move signifies the UAE's continued commitment to integrating blockchain into its financial services sector.

Legal Changes: Recognition of Crypto as Salary in Dubai

Furthermore, the UAE judiciary has begun to acknowledge the role of crypto in daily transactions. On 16 August, a landmark ruling by the Dubai First Instance Court recognized crypto as a valid form of salary payment, marking a significant shift in the legal landscape regarding digital assets in the country. This development highlights the UAE's proactive approach to adopting blockchain and digital assets, positioning the country as a forward-thinking hub of innovation.

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  1. Bitcoin 比特币BTC
  2. Ethereum 以太坊ETH
  3. Tether 泰达币USDT
  4. BNB 币安币BNB
  6. XRP 瑞波币XRP
  7. Dogecoin 狗币DOGE

意见反馈及报错将在两个工作日内及时处理 投诉举报
