
发布时间: 2024-10-22 11:15:29

Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has taken a bold step to seek transparency from U.S. regulators regarding their handling of the cryptocurrency sector, especially in relation to American banks. The company's top legal officer, Paul Grewal, disclosed that Coinbase has filed two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to shed light on the cryptic regulatory actions.

1. Coinbase is particularly interested in understanding the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC) stance on cryptocurrency deposit limits and its past responses to FOIA requests. The FDIC, reportedly, has instructed banks to cap deposits from crypto firms at 15% of their total deposits, a rule that Coinbase claims was adopted without the public participation typically mandated by U.S. law.

2. The exchange has also expressed its desire for clarity on the FDIC's crypto deposit limits and how the agency has dealt with previous FOIA inquiries related to cryptocurrencies. This move is part of Coinbase's ongoing effort to gain a better understanding of how regulatory bodies are treating digital assets.

3. Additionally, Coinbase has requested information on "pause letters" said to have been sent by the FDIC to banks, urging them to slow down their crypto-related activities. These new FOIA filings are separate from earlier ones that are currently part of federal lawsuits.

Coinbase's legal battle with regulators is not new. The company has previously sued the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the FDIC for failing to comply with similar information requests. In 2023, Coinbase sought documents from the SEC concerning its classification of Ether (ETH) but was subsequently charged by the agency over its ETH staking service.

In its push for clearer crypto regulations, Coinbase has launched the "Stand with Crypto" initiative, which involves a political action committee (PAC) that supports candidates who are pro-crypto in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The November election is seen as a pivotal moment for the crypto industry, with significant financial support from cryptocurrency firms, as reported by Public Citizen analysis.

The election will be a key moment for the industry, with Republican nominee Donald Trump advocating for the U.S. to be the "crypto capital of the world," and Democrat Kamala Harris, whose crypto stance is more favorable than that of current President Joe Biden but less industry-friendly than Trump's. As the crypto community watches the election closely, many are hoping for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and growth in the digital asset sector.

警惕: 网上好友、短信、电话、群聊都是骗子,请大家注意防止受骗!



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  1. Bitcoin 比特币BTC
  2. Ethereum 以太坊ETH
  3. Tether 泰达币USDT
  4. BNB 币安币BNB
  6. XRP 瑞波币XRP
  7. Dogecoin 狗币DOGE

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